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Price Match Guarantee

If you find a qualifying lower price on an exact item, we’ll match it. Exclusions apply.

How Price Match Guarantee works

If you find a current lower price on an identical in-stock item from another manufacturer/authorized online retailer, we’ll match the price. Just send us a link to the website, digital ad, or retailer online store so we can validate it. Price Match Guarantee items must be available from an authorized retailer to ship to the customer’s location. Price Match Guarantee includes the price of the item plus shipping or delivery cost.

Just email a link to the advertised product to for validation.​ The Price Match Guarantee covers the total cost of the item, including shipping or delivery fees. To qualify, the item must be available from an authorized retailer and able to be shipped to the customer's location. We will only honor requests submitted by the original purchaser.


• All marketplace sellers, auctions, or discontinued/clearance sites (Amazon, Ebay, Walmart Marketplace, Facebook Marketplace, etc.)

• Any retailer that is not authorized by the manufacturer

• Discontinued, used, refurbished, open-box, clearance, seasonal, closeout, expired, counterfeit, fake, or damaged merchandise

• Wholesale discount pricing

• BOGO (buy one get one) deals over 35% discount

• Pricing from membership-based authorized retailers

• Bid or auction websites

• Physical print advertising (coupons, newspapers, magazines)

• Online advertising errors or misprints on pricing, including expired deals

• Credit or financing offers


Cannot be combined with any other Total Skin offers, promotions, discounts, or coupons.

Price Match Frequently Asked Questions


What is considered an Authorized Retailer?

A brink and mortar or online competitor for that have been approved by the manufacture of the product in questions, to sell their products on a approved website or brick and mortar location. The retailers status will be verified with the manufacturer. This excludes third-party marketplace sellers, auction sites or closeout/discount sites such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart Market Place etc.

Does an item need to be in stock to be eligible for price matching?

Yes, the item needs to be in stock from the verified competitor to be eligible for price matching.

I previously purchased my item(s) from and now the item is selling for less or has been found for less at a competitor. Can I price match the new price with what I previously paid?

We are unable to price match completed purchases with new prices.

How do I request a price match?

Email with the product and quantity you are looking for. We will also need a copy of the Ad, link to website, etc. that shows the pricing you are wanting us to match. We will email you back with a quote and way to pay if we are able to price match. If we are unable, we will let you know why.

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